Anyone who has even spent a day in Downtown Minneapolis will tell you that parking is a nightmare. Paid meters abound, the streets are congested, and it’s always a tossup if your favorite parking garage has space for you. Difficult parking conditions get even worse during the holiday season when everyone is out shopping, and during the weekdays when everyone commutes to work.


Put those together, and it can spell disaster for any business. Employees who are late because they cannot find a parking spot can cost the company money. Service companies, such as hotels and restaurants, can lose customers if said customers can’t find a place to park their cars. Public transportation can be unreliable, and expecting some clients or workers to walk to your business is simply unreasonable—either it is physically impossible or extremely inconvenient.


Is there any solution to Minneapolis’s ever-pressing parking problem?

Hire Unparalleled Parking, a Minneapolis Valet Service, and Wipe Away Your Parking Woes

Valet parking services aren’t just for super fancy businesses anymore—though they can certainly help these businesses achieve the luxurious air they desire! Valet companies have changed their tunes and are now useful in a variety of situations, from hotels to restaurants to private, one-time events. If you want your guests to feel cared for, a reputable transportation company like Unparalleled Parking can make that happen.


We have over a decade of experience parking in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul area; we’ve honed our skills and know exactly how to circumnavigate common parking-related problems, such as:


●        Stress. Hate driving through congested Minneapolis traffic? So will your customers and guests! A reputable Twin Cities valet service helps cut down on the amount of time your patrons will spend driving, which will leave them far more at ease as they walk in the door.

●        Lack of reliability. Inner-city traffic isn’t the same day-to-day. Public transportation isn’t always on time, and it can be stressful to rush to make a bus or train. This stress can discourage many people—customers and employees alike—from making the trek down to the cities. Driving becomes so much easier when parking becomes a nonissue. Help your workers arrive on time and encourage guests to attend your business with the help of a valet company.

●        Lack of warmth. Our valet drivers are warm, caring people, sure to brighten your employees’ or guests’ days. In a large, urban area, it’s easy to feel insignificant. We do our best to make everyone under our care feel safe, heard, and welcomed.

Contact Unparalleled Parking for the Best in Valet Parking Services

We’d be glad to help your business or private event see all the benefits great valet service can bring. Give us a call today at 651-300-1515.